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Shampoo lavanda e pachouli




Questo Hair Cleanser combina il patchouli, noto per stimolare la crescita di nuove cellule e le dolci fragranze floreali di lavanda La lavanda lenisce e calma il cuoio capelluto e il patchouli ha proprietà antibatteriche. Questa miscela a base di erbe nutre e protegge i capelli durante la pulizia.

This Hair Cleanser combines patchouli, known to stimulate new cell growth, and the sweet floral fragrances of lavender that are known to soothe nerves and emotions. Made with the finest Lavender flowers that have been handpicked and harvested into pure Lavender oils to create this soothing product. The Lavender Patchouli Hair Cleanser is blended with Hibiscus extracts and Pure Essential Oils of Lavender and Patchouli. The Lavender in soothes and calms the scalp and Patchouli has antibacterial properties. This herbal blend naturally nourishes and protects hair while cleansing.

Informazioni aggiuntive
Peso 0.200 kg
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