Erbe mediche in ayurveda: l’Aswaghanda

Sanskrit: Ashwagandhá (vitality of the horse)
Latin: Withania somnifera dunal (Physalisflexuosa); Solanaceae
English: Winter cherry
Part Used: Root
Habitat: This shrub is in Himalayas, 6,000 feet; common in Bombay, Western India, sometimes in Bengal
Energetics: Astringent, bitter-hot-sweet VK- (P and áma + in excess)
Tissues: Mainly muscle, fat, bone, marrow/nerves,  reproductive, but works on all.
Systems: Nervous, reproductive, respiratory
Action: Aphrodisiac, astringent, nervine, rejuvenative, sedative, tonic, antiinflammatory
Uses: A main immune-boosting and brain tonic herb. AIDS, general debility, nerve exhaustion, pain killer, convalescence, problems of the elderly, sexual debility, emaciation, memory loss, muscle energy loss, marrow, overwork, tissue deficiency (and promotes tissue healing), insomnia, paralysis, MS, weak eyes, rheumatism, skin afflictions, cough, difficult breathing, anemia, fatigue, infertility, swollen glands, immune system problems,
alcoholism, lumbago. Known as Indian ginseng, builds marrow and semen; inhibits aging; one of the best herbs for the mind (clarity, nurturing).
Externally—skin diseases, obstinate ulcers, carbuncles, rheumatic swellings. For women, it stabilizes fetus, regenerates hormones, cancer— strengthens one from and for chemotherapy.
Spiritual Uses: Sattwic, produces ojas

Precautions: Do not take if congested. For cancer and other serious illness, use one or more ounces daily
Preparation: Decoctions, ghee, oil, powder (1/4 to 3 tsp.) herbal wine

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