Erbe mediche in ayurveda: la Shatávarí

Sanskrit: Shatávarí
Hindi: Shatávarí
English: Hundred Husbands
Latin: Asparagus racemosus Willd. (A. sarmentosus, Willd; A. gonoclados, Baker; A. adscendens, Roxb.)
Part Used: Root
Habitat: This climber is found in the jungles around 8,000 feet throughout India, especially Northern India
Energetics: Sweet, bitter-cold-sweet PV- (K, áma + in excess)
Tissues: All Systems: Circulatory, digestive, reproductive, respiratory
Action: Mucilaginous, antidiarrhetic, refrigerant, diuretic, antidysenteric, nutritive, tonic, demulcent, galactagogue, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, stomachic
Uses: A main herb for the immune and female reproductive systems. Cancer, convalescence, female organ debility, sexual debility, leukorrhea, menopause, impotence, infertility, cough, dehydration, diarrhea, dysentery, fevers (chronic), hematemesis, herpes, hyperacidity, lung abscess, ulcers, rheumatism, soothes dry, inflamed membranes of kidneys, lungs, sexual organs, and stomach.
External application—emollient for stiff joints and neck, and muscle spasms. Increases breast milk and semen, nurtures mucous membranes, blood cleanser, supplies female hormones, nourishes the Epstein Barr, etc., cancer—strengthens one from and for chemotherapy.
Spiritual Uses: Sattwic, increases love and devotion, increases ojas
Precautions: Do not use if congested or with áma
Preparation: Decoction, powder, ghee, oil; for serious diseases like cancer, use one or more ounces

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