Erbe mediche in ayurveda: Bibhítakí

Sanskrit: Bibhítakí
Hindi: Bhaira
English: Beleric Myrobalan
Latin: Te r m i n a l i a belerica Roxb.
Part Used: Fruit
Habitat: A tree found throughout the Indian forests and plains
Energetics: Astringent-hotsweet
KP- ( V+in excess)
Tissues: Plasma, muscle, bone
Systems: Digestive, excretory, nervous, respiratory
Action: Anthelmintic, antiseptic, astringent, expectorant,laxative, lithotriptic, rejuvenative, tonic
Uses: Nausea, cold, vomiting, cough, bronchitis,catarrh, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, eye disorders,laryngitis, headache, hemorrhoids, parasites,stones, Kapha digestive disorders, urinary tract stones, stomach, liver disorders, G.I. tract diseases,increases appetite; mixed with honey it is good for sore throats and voice (or used as a gargle). Brain and stomach tonic, Part of the triphalá formula.
Externally—as an antiseptic lotion; paste for Pitta swellings, eye diseases; dried ripe fruit—edema; with honey for ophthalmia.
Preparation: Infusion, decoction, powder, paste
Precaution: High Váyu

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