Erbe mediche in ayurveda: Akarkará

Sanskrit: Akarkará
Hindi: Akarakara
English: Pellitory
Latin: Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. (Pyrethrum radix)
Part Used: Root
Habitat: Himalayas: 3,000-12,000 feet; Bengal, Arabia
Energetics: pungent/hot/pungent
Tissues: Nerves, bones
Systems: Nervous, excretory, reproductive
Action: Stimulant, sialagogue, nerve tonic
Uses: Nerve disorders, bowel conditions, seminal debility, gargle for tooth problems (e.g., toothache), sore throat and tonsils; paralysis, hemiplegia, epilepsy, rheumatism, promotes talking in retarded children, with honey for epilepsy (internal and as snuff), diabetes. Promotes saliva.
Preparation: Powders, pills, paste

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